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Road closures at Flinders, Spencer streets hit commuters, traders - The Age

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Lunes, 05 de Enero de 2015 17:00

The AgeRoad closures at Flinders, Spencer streets hit commuters, tradersThe AgeConstruction of the level-access tram stop outside the World Trade Centre on Spencer Street is scheduled to continue until Sunday. ... Route 30 trams will be extended to operate as route 30a between St Vincents Plaza and Waterfront City Docklands.Flinders Street and Spencer Street road closures cause commuter ...Sydney Morning Heraldlos 6 artículos informativos »

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Flinders Street and Spencer Street road closures cause commuter ... - Sydney Morning Herald

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Domingo, 04 de Enero de 2015 21:28

Sydney Morning HeraldFlinders Street and Spencer Street road closures cause commuter ...Sydney Morning HeraldConstruction of the new $4.5 million level-access tram stop outside the World Trade Centre on Spencer Street is scheduled to continue until Sunday, January 11. The new stop is part of the $800 million project to transform Route 96, between East ...y más »

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Traffic, tram woes for Melbourne's return to work - The Age

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Domingo, 04 de Enero de 2015 18:17

The AgeTraffic, tram woes for Melbourne's return to workThe AgeConstruction of new $4.5 million level-access tram stop outside the World Trade Centre on Spencer Street is scheduled to continue until January 11. The new stop is part of the $800 million project to transform Route 96, between East Brunswick and St ...y más »

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Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai earns key certifications - Zawya (registration)

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Domingo, 04 de Enero de 2015 03:30

Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai earns key certificationsZawya (registration)Millennium Plaza Hotel Dubai is strategically located on one of the city's most prestigious arteries, Sheikh Zayed Road, facing the Dubai International Financial Centre and in close proximity to the Dubai International Convention Centre and World Trade ...y más »

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High-cost high-rises: World's 10 most expensive skyscrapers - Zawya (registration)

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Sábado, 03 de Enero de 2015 23:40

Zawya (registration)High-cost high-rises: World's 10 most expensive skyscrapersZawya (registration)By some distance, the world's most expensive skyscraper is currently One World Trade Centre in New York City, which stands immediately beside the memorial for the Twin Towers, destroyed on September 11, 2001. Costing $3.9 billion (Dh14.32 billion), the ...y más »

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Governors' Inaugural Celebration Plans, by State - New York Times

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Sábado, 03 de Enero de 2015 09:46

Governors' Inaugural Celebration Plans, by StateNew York TimesDeal will be sworn in for his second term at a public ceremony on a new plaza near the state Capitol on Jan. 12, followed by the gala .... Cuomo delivered his inaugural address Thursday at One World Trade Center in New York City. ___. NORTH CAROLINA.y más »

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Deadly Shanghai crowd crush spotlights China's growing pains - The Japan Times

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Sábado, 03 de Enero de 2015 02:09

The Japan TimesDeadly Shanghai crowd crush spotlights China's growing painsThe Japan TimesShanghai has been at the forefront of China's decades of rapid development and now boasts the world's second-tallest building and its first commercial magnetically levitated, or maglev, train, part of the biggest high-speed rail network on Earth. It is ...y más »

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More from about town - Nepali times

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Jueves, 01 de Enero de 2015 23:14

More from about townNepali timesRs 100, 3 January, 3.30 to 5pm, DECC Hall, 4th floor of United World Trade Center, Tripureswor, 9841-771010, Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla . Critique session, An invitation to artists to present portfolios and projects to be critiqued by Regina Hofer, MA ...y más »

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El mundo bajo el lente 2014 -

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Jueves, 01 de Enero de 2015 17:58

Milenio.comEl mundo bajo el lente 2014Milenio.comUn globo vuela frente al papa Francisco durante la audiencia general en la Plaza de San Pedro. Mayo 14. (AFP). 976x659 Brasil. La estatua del Cristo Redentor fue inspeccionada tras los daños ocasionados por ... "The Tribute in Light" se ve en el ...

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Cuomo to deliver inaugural addresses in NYC and Buffalo - Brooklyn Daily Eagle

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Miércoles, 31 de Diciembre de 2014 16:54

Brooklyn Daily EagleCuomo to deliver inaugural addresses in NYC and BuffaloBrooklyn Daily Eagle1: the first in New York City at One World Trade Center at noon, and a second in Buffalo at 4:30 p.m.. Cuomo already signed his official oath of office on ... 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. The New York Post reported that ...Cuomo says he'll speak to 'the times' with inaugural speechesAlbany Times Union (blog)los 317 artículos informativos »

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Some fear the WTC Tour Bus problem may get worse - Downtown Express

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Miércoles, 31 de Diciembre de 2014 14:49

Downtown ExpressSome fear the WTC Tour Bus problem may get worseDowntown ExpressShe said improving the E train World Trade Center station would encourage more tourists to use it. While he was waiting on Trinity Place on a recent weekday morning, Academy Bus driver Ernest Tomas said that the tour buses used to drop off near Cedar ...

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Hollywood Stars, TV Personalities, Professional Athletes and ... - Fort Mills Times

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Miércoles, 31 de Diciembre de 2014 12:42

Hollywood Stars, TV Personalities, Professional Athletes and ...Fort Mills TimesOwned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®, the 2015 CES, the world's gathering place for all who thrive on the business of consumer technologies, will run January 6-9, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Actor ... author, acclaimed public ...y más »

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Happy New Year 2015: The best places across India to party tonight - Hindustan Times

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Miércoles, 31 de Diciembre de 2014 01:11

Hindustan TimesHappy New Year 2015: The best places across India to party tonightHindustan TimesThe new year is just a few hours away and that couch in front of your TV is the last place you want to be seen welcoming 2015. Get up and get ready to party... in style. If you are still waiting for an invite to that private party you friend is hosting ...

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