Architect unveils 'dual' design for 2 World Trade Center in New York - Daily Mail

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Daily MailArchitect unveils 'dual' design for 2 World Trade Center in New YorkDaily MailTwo personalities: From the World Trade Center's 9/11 Memorial Plaza, the tower will appear slender and unified, as a mark of respect for the victims of the terror attacks. If work on the design goes to plan, the building will be open for business by ...Revealed: The Inside Story of the Last WTC Tower's DesignWiredOn the Market: New World Trade Center Tower Revealed; Big ...New York ObserverTake a look at the future of 2 World Trade CenterAlbany Business ReviewWWD -New York Business Journal -Architectural Recordlos 164 artículos informativos »

Leer más: Plaza World Trade Center: Google Noticias
