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En la zona cero, el aniversario del 11S es público y privado -

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Viernes, 11 de Septiembre de 2015 00:59

Diario La NubeEn la zona cero, el aniversario del 11S es público y privadoLaCronica.comCasi una década y media después de que aviones secuestrados impactaran contra las torres gemelas del World Trade Center, el Pentágono y un campo cerca de Shanksville, Pennsylvania, el aniversario sigue recordándose con actos en todo el país.Víctimas del 11S recordados a 14 años de ataques terroristasTerra.comlos 9 artículos informativos »

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9/11 Memorial Live Stream 2015: Watch New York Anniversary ... - International Business Times

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Viernes, 11 de Septiembre de 2015 00:31

International Business Times9/11 Memorial Live Stream 2015: Watch New York Anniversary ...International Business Times... New York City have been scheduled to commemorate the day's tragic events and pay respect to the 2,977 people killed when commercial airplanes hijacked by terrorists were flown into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania.September 11th 2015 Memorial Live Streams: How to Watch the ...Heavy.comlos 3 artículos informativos »

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11 de septiembre de 2015 00:09:22 - Granma Internacional

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 23:30

11 de septiembre de 2015 00:09:22Granma InternacionalA 14 años del atentado contra el World Trade Center de Nueva York y el inicio de la “cruzada” estadounidense contra el terrorismo, el mundo no es un lugar más seguro. Según una base de datos de la Universidad de Maryland, en el año 2000 se reportaron ...

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New Trade Center Towers Open Up to the City - Wall Street Journal

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 21:38

Wall Street JournalNew Trade Center Towers Open Up to the CityWall Street JournalA woman takes a photo at the north pool of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Andrew Lamberson for The Wall Street Journal. A man, standing across from the World Trade Center Plaza, sells tickets to the Statue of Liberty. Andrew Lamberson ...

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INTERACTIVE: See the Progress and What's Still Coming at the WTC - DNAinfo

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 18:12

DNAinfoINTERACTIVE: See the Progress and What's Still Coming at the WTCDNAinfoAnother project in limbo is Tower 5, which was supposed to rise where the Deutsch Bank building once stood, south of the World Trade Center site. A temporary public plaza recently opened on the site but it's unclear what will ultimately be built there.y más »

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Ceremonia del 9/11 en World Trade Center - Univisión

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 16:47

UnivisiónCeremonia del 9/11 en World Trade CenterUnivisiónEl evento tendrá lugar en la plaza 9/11 Memorial en el sitio del World Trade Center en el bajo Manhattan. La conmemoración es para los familiares de las víctimas de los atentados del 2001 y 1993, quienes además han sido invitados a participar en la ...Presentan espectacular diseno de torre del WTC a 14 anos de ...Plaza De Armaslos 32 artículos informativos »

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The Status of the World Trade Center Complex, 14 Years Later - Curbed NY

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 13:59

The Weekly StandardThe Status of the World Trade Center Complex, 14 Years LaterCurbed NYWhen completed, the sphere that sat in the center of the old World Trade Center plaza will could potentially find a new home there, but it just as easily end up in at the 9/11 Memorial. Right now, the projected opening date for the park is early 2016 ...INTERACTIVE: See the Progress and What's Still Coming at the WTCDNAinfolos 6 artículos informativos »

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SU alumna plays key role in design of One World Trade Center - The Daily Orange

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 09:52

The Daily OrangeSU alumna plays key role in design of One World Trade CenterThe Daily OrangeOne World Trade Center, often referred to as “Freedom Tower,” opened in November 2014 and is located where the original World Trade Center once rose over New York City, before it was targeted in the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Nicole Dosso, a Class of ...

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See What the World Trade Center Site Looks Like 14 Years After 9/11 - TIME

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Jueves, 10 de Septiembre de 2015 09:17

TIMESee What the World Trade Center Site Looks Like 14 Years After 9/11TIMEIn the footprints of the former World Trade Center towers, waterfalls flow into memorial pools that are surrounded by a tree-dotted plaza, a place for remembrance and reflection. MORE The top of America. Progress on this rebuilt World Trade Center ...9/11 myths that won't go awayYahoo News Canada (blog)los 113 artículos informativos »

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Students organize 9/11 benefit concert - WNDU-TV

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Miércoles, 09 de Septiembre de 2015 23:27

WNDU-TVStudents organize 9/11 benefit concertWNDU-TV"We think it's really important the generation appreciates and understands the lessons and values of such a monumental crises and event like that," said Peter Colovos, project leader for 9/11 Resiliency Plaza. An artifact from the World Trade Center ...

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Presentan espectacular diseno de torre del WTC a 14 anos de ... - Plaza De Armas

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Miércoles, 09 de Septiembre de 2015 20:55

Plaza De ArmasPresentan espectacular diseno de torre del WTC a 14 anos de ...Plaza De ArmasNueva York, 9 Sep (Notimex).- El diseño del edificio más espectacular del complejo del World Trade Center (WTC) fue presentado a 14 años de que los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001 destruyeran las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York. Llamada World ...y más »

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World Trade Center 14th Anniversary: Some Commemorative ... -

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Miércoles, 09 de Septiembre de 2015 14:59

FireEngineering.comWorld Trade Center 14th Anniversary: Some Commemorative ...FireEngineering.comThe memorial, which contains a massive steel I-beam from the WTC, is in a circular courtyard at the front of the city's main fire station on Santa Barbara Street. .... Union City. 7 p.m. Ceremony of Remembrance, Liberty Plaza, 30th Street and Palisade ...y más »

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World Trade Center Attacks: 14 Years Later, 'Remembering' Has ... -

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Martes, 08 de Septiembre de 2015 15:31

FireEngineering.comWorld Trade Center Attacks: 14 Years Later, 'Remembering' Has“Remembering” and “Never Forgetting” as applied to the World Trade Center (WTC) attacks have developed into multifaceted functions. The world is remembering not only by ... A Luminaria will be held at Memorial Plaza. On September 11 (9:45 a.m.).

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