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Figuras de los 80 que abrieron paso a los conciertos en el DF - Chilango

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Lunes, 10 de Agosto de 2015 17:40

ChilangoFiguras de los 80 que abrieron paso a los conciertos en el DFChilangoPor ejemplo, cuentan que la banda The Police (liderada por Sting) se sacó de onda cuando dio un concierto en el entonces Hotel de México (el antecedente inconcluso de lo que hoy es el World Trade Center) en donde los asistentes estaban sentados en ...

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BostInno Approved: The Startup Events to Know About This Week (8 ... - BostInno

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Lunes, 10 de Agosto de 2015 08:58

BostInnoBostInno Approved: The Startup Events to Know About This Week (8 ...BostInnoBostonFest – Each and every summer, we bring together 3,000 Bostonians to celebrate the city we call home in a massive bash, complete with live bands, food trucks and the most beloved local brands. So join BostInno at the Seaport World Trade Center for ...y más »

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Weekly calendar of Athens area events - Online Athens

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Domingo, 09 de Agosto de 2015 21:17

Online AthensWeekly calendar of Athens area eventsOnline AthensTours leave from Athens Welcome Center, 280 E. Dougherty St. A 90-minute guided tour of Athens featuring the Classic City's oldest home, the world's only double-barrel cannon, the historic downtown district, Athens' only National Landmark property, The ...y más »

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Con carrera binacional, demuestran su unidad Juárez y El Paso - Diario Digital Juárez

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Domingo, 09 de Agosto de 2015 07:00

Con carrera binacional, demuestran su unidad Juárez y El PasoDiario Digital JuárezLa justa deportiva retoma el espíritu de la denominada Carrera de la Amistad, la cual atravesaba las fronteras entre ambas naciones, pero que dejó de cruzar de México a Estados Unidos por razones de seguridad después de los atentados terroristas del 9 ...y más »

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Long Beach high-rise sells at $45-million discount despite ... - Los Angeles Times

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Sábado, 08 de Agosto de 2015 08:01

Los Angeles TimesLong Beach high-rise sells at $45-million discount despite ...Los Angeles TimesOne of the biggest office buildings in Long Beach, One World Trade Center, has sold at a steep discount to Orange County developers who plan to renovate the oceanfront high-rise and seek additional tenants for it. Greenlaw Partners, which specializes ...

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IPN exhibe en feria robots ganadores de concursos internacionales - Plaza De Armas

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Viernes, 07 de Agosto de 2015 18:16

Plaza De ArmasIPN exhibe en feria robots ganadores de concursos internacionalesPlaza De ArmasAparte de los robots exhibidos en el stand del IPN, alumnos llevarán a cabo exhibiciones de otros robots este sábado a las 12:00 horas y el domingo a las 18:00 horas, en la zona el escenario de la Feria del Mundo Digital, en el World Trade Center de la ...y más »

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Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau Welcomes the ASAE ... - PR Newswire (press release)

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Viernes, 07 de Agosto de 2015 10:31

Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau Welcomes the ASAE ...PR Newswire (press release)DETROIT, Aug. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Thousands of association executives from all over the country will be in Detroit Aug. 8-11 for the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Annual Meeting & Exposition at Cobo Center.y más »

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The GPA Expands into Russia with Market Leading Integrator CROC - PR Newswire (press release)

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Jueves, 06 de Agosto de 2015 09:11

The GPA Expands into Russia with Market Leading Integrator CROCPR Newswire (press release)CROC is well known for delivering landmark audiovisual solutions such as the World Trade Center, Moscow Railways and Polycom's executive experience center in Paveletskaya Plaza. CROC has successfully completed over 1,700 customer projects with its ...y más »

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Hartman: New Vikings stadium will be spectacular - Minneapolis Star Tribune

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Miércoles, 05 de Agosto de 2015 22:27

Minneapolis Star TribuneHartman: New Vikings stadium will be spectacularMinneapolis Star TribuneThey recently got some good news when HKS Architects, the firm out of Dallas that designed the stadium, also was hired to design the plaza outside the stadium for $400,000, half the firm's original $800,000 estimate. ... At the same time that the trade ...

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City's 9/11 memorial nears completion - Poughkeepsie Journal

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Martes, 04 de Agosto de 2015 18:44

Poughkeepsie JournalCity's 9/11 memorial nears completionPoughkeepsie Journal15 completion deadline fast approaching, the coordinator of the City of Poughkeepsie's 9/11 memorial plaza said plans are on schedule. “We are laying the pavement and bricks down, and doing the landscaping,” said Randy Ross, the coordinator and a ...

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Obama's ancestral Irish town suffers as rest stop booms - IrishCentral

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Martes, 04 de Agosto de 2015 02:17

IrishCentralObama's ancestral Irish town suffers as rest stop boomsIrishCentralOffaly was a hive of activity and the center of all Irish media attention as crowds descended on the Midlands town to witness US President Barack Obama sup on a pint of Guinness in the birthplace of his Irish ancestors. Four years on, and ... The Irish ...

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Premia Javier Duarte al ganador del concurso Dronies de Veracruz - Política en Red

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Lunes, 03 de Agosto de 2015 12:55

Política en RedPremia Javier Duarte al ganador del concurso Dronies de VeracruzPolítica en RedEn el puerto de Veracruz los visitantes y los veracruzanos se tomaron dronies en San Juan de Ulúa, el Zócalo, Los Portales, la Plaza de la República y sitios modernos como el World Trade Center. En Boca del Río, gracias a los dronies se vio lo ...y más »

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Texas tourist took loaded guns to Sept. 11 memorial in New York - Dallas Morning News

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Lunes, 03 de Agosto de 2015 12:48

Dallas Morning NewsTexas tourist took loaded guns to Sept. 11 memorial in New YorkDallas Morning NewsVisitors looks over one of the pools at the Sept. 11 memorial plaza in the World Trade Center site in New York Monday, Sept. 12, 2011, the first day that the memorial was opened to the public. Associated Press. Published: 03 August 2015 12:48 PM ...y más »

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