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Morristown man continues Nepal relief mission - Daily Record - Daily Record

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Domingo, 26 de Julio de 2015 23:20

Daily RecordMorristown man continues Nepal relief mission - Daily RecordDaily RecordBut in a few weeks, he will be going back to continue his efforts both as a private citizen and the founder of the Edison-based nonprofit International Mission of Mercy, which has brought similar relief to disaster areas ranging from the World Trade ...

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Why Vigan won as one of New 7 Wonders Cities | Inquirer lifestyle -

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Domingo, 26 de Julio de 2015 11:35

Inquirer.netWhy Vigan won as one of New 7 Wonders Cities | Inquirer point out Vigan isn't like any Spanish colonial town in Latin America since it also has strong Chinese and Filipino influences, thus “should actually be compared with other Asian colonial trading cities like Hoi An, Malacca and Macau.”) Unique ...

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Jerusalem skyline set to change as new high-rise approved - i24news - i24news

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Domingo, 26 de Julio de 2015 10:58

i24newsJerusalem skyline set to change as new high-rise approved - i24newsi24newsLibeskind, who is responsible for Berlin's Jewish Museum and New York City's World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial, will work with Israeli architect Yigal Levi, who conceived the multi-purpose tower to include a commercial shopping area in addition to ...

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Jerusalem skyline set to change as new high-rise approved - i24news

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Domingo, 26 de Julio de 2015 10:58

i24newsJerusalem skyline set to change as new high-rise approvedi24newsLibeskind, who is responsible for Berlin's Jewish Museum and New York City's World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial, will work with Israeli architect Yigal Levi, who conceived the multi-purpose tower to include a commercial shopping area in addition to ...

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Maine-made farm goods soon will wind their way to Boston by ... - Press Herald

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Domingo, 26 de Julio de 2015 03:02

Press HeraldMaine-made farm goods soon will wind their way to Boston by ...Press HeraldLydia Brown, author of “On Solid Ground,” will discuss the history of North Haven farming at Waterman's Community Center. Nan Lee, president of North Haven's Historical ... Arrival at Long Wharf, Compass Rose Plaza. Gala dinner to benefit Maine Sail ...

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Myanmar Officials Propose Minimum Wage, Factories Fight - Triple Pundit (registration) (blog)

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Viernes, 24 de Julio de 2015 04:00

Triple Pundit (registration) (blog)Myanmar Officials Propose Minimum Wage, Factories FightTriple Pundit (registration) (blog)When the country overcame decades of military dictatorship in 2011, President Barack Obama lifted sanctions restricting U.S. involvement in the country, thus allowing free trade for any American company to any Myanmar factory. Gap was the first to jump ...y más »

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The food at 1 WTC is a tower of garbage | New York Post - New York Post

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Viernes, 24 de Julio de 2015 02:38

New York PostThe food at 1 WTC is a tower of garbage | New York PostNew York PostThe dough helps stabilize the “iconic” edifice and the entire new World Trade Center as they fight to lure glamorous office tenants in a tough market. ... Absurdly, unlike at 30 Rockefeller Plaza or the Empire State Building, there's no outdoor space ...

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Why Atlantic City Should Trade in Its Casinos for Research ... - CityLab - CityLab

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Jueves, 23 de Julio de 2015 16:37

CityLabWhy Atlantic City Should Trade in Its Casinos for Research ... - CityLabCityLabLetters come off Atlantic City's Trump Plaza Casino in October 2014. (Mark Makela/Reuters). It's been five years now since New Jersey Governor Chris Christie uttered this sentence: “Atlantic City ... The firm's brief recommends repurposing the Atlantic ...y más »

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Schnipper's Restaurant to Open Location Near World Trade Center - Commercial Observer

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Martes, 21 de Julio de 2015 10:20

Schnipper's Restaurant to Open Location Near World Trade CenterCommercial ObserverAmerican-style chain eatery Schnipper's Quality Kitchen is opening a Tribeca location two blocks from the World Trade Center site, Commercial Observer has learned. The restaurant known for its burgers, hot dogs, salads and shakes, signed a lease for a ...

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Why are people obsessed with this building? -

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Lunes, 20 de Julio de 2015 18:09 are people obsessed with this building? by any name, 30 Rockefeller Plaza remains what it's always been and seems even more so today: Simply, the greatest building in the world. I've itched to write that sentence for years. No skyscraper in New ... For all that — and its fame as home to ...

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Abarrotan espectadores informe de Yunes Landa - Agencia Imagen ... - Periódico y Agencia de Noticias Imagen del Golfo

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Domingo, 19 de Julio de 2015 18:25

Abarrotan espectadores informe de Yunes Landa - Agencia Imagen ...Periódico y Agencia de Noticias Imagen del GolfoEn los costados de Plaza Américas y el centro de negocios, elementos de Tránsito prohibían el estacionamiento frente a la entrada principal del WTC, la fila de vehículos esperando un lugar para estacionarse ocupaba toda la acera. Ante la falta de ...y más »

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Abarrotan espectadores informe de Yunes Landa - Periódico y Agencia de Noticias Imagen del Golfo

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Domingo, 19 de Julio de 2015 18:25

Abarrotan espectadores informe de Yunes LandaPeriódico y Agencia de Noticias Imagen del GolfoEl World Trade Center no solo rebasó su capacidad en el salón principal, también lo hizo con su estacionamiento, donde una hora antes del inicio del evento ya no había cupo para un vehículo más. En los costados de Plaza Américas y el centro de negocios ...y más »

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Retractable Skylight in World Trade Center Oculus Takes Final Form ... - New York Times

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Domingo, 19 de Julio de 2015 17:27

New York TimesRetractable Skylight in World Trade Center Oculus Takes Final Form ...New York TimesOn Friday morning, a 5,700-pound glass panel was hoisted into place as a 355-foot-long operable skylight took final form in the Oculus pavilion of the World Trade Center Transportation Hub, designed by Mr. Calatrava. Another panel went up in the ...

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