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TV stations consider changes to protect reporters - Roanoke Times

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Domingo, 30 de Agosto de 2015 00:06

Roanoke TimesTV stations consider changes to protect reportersRoanoke TimesBefore Wednesday, three journalists had been killed on the job in the U.S. since 2001, Reporters Without Borders said. Photographer Bill Biggart was killed by falling debris while covering rescue operations at the World Trade Center following the 9/11 ...

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A fitting way to remember the fallen - Jerusalem Post Israel News

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Sábado, 29 de Agosto de 2015 16:00

Jerusalem Post Israel NewsA fitting way to remember the fallenJerusalem Post Israel NewsSince that horrible day 14 years ago when terrorist hijackers steered two jets into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers, demolishing them and five outlying buildings, and killing nearly 3,000 people, we refer to that tragic destruction whenever we say ...

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Alma Rutgers: Nation still haunted by 3000 deaths - Greenwich Time

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Sábado, 29 de Agosto de 2015 15:00

Alma Rutgers: Nation still haunted by 3000 deathsGreenwich TimeThe towers will stand on pavement that is intended to evoke the World Trade Center Plaza. According to information on the website, compass points radiate from the plaza's center in the directions of the World Trade Center site, Washington, D.C., and ...y más »

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Cookies on the BBC website - BBC News

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Jueves, 27 de Agosto de 2015 18:58

BBC NewsCookies on the BBC websiteBBC News"Screengrab of possible shooting suspect at Bridgewater Plaza from WDBJ viewer. 122 is closed both directions. ... Viewers all around the world were watching live coverage of 9/11 when the second plane hit the World Trade Center. And in 1987, American ...y más »

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Is It Ethical to Watch Murder Caught on Tape? - Pacific Standard

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Jueves, 27 de Agosto de 2015 11:50

Pacific StandardIs It Ethical to Watch Murder Caught on Tape?Pacific StandardOn Wednesday, former television broadcaster Vester Flanagan fatally shot and killed two former colleagues from WDBJ while they were on a morning assignment at the Bridgewater Plaza near Roanoke, Virginia. .... Consider the Falling Man, the iconic ...y más »

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The murders that rocked breakfast television - BBC News

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Miércoles, 26 de Agosto de 2015 18:58

BBC NewsThe murders that rocked breakfast televisionBBC News"Screengrab of possible shooting suspect at Bridgewater Plaza from WDBJ viewer. 122 is closed both directions. ... Viewers all around the world were watching live coverage of 9/11 when the second plane hit the World Trade Center. And in 1987, American ...y más »

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Dubai's year of the dragon - The National

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Miércoles, 26 de Agosto de 2015 13:01

The NationalDubai's year of the dragonThe NationalDelegates arrive at the Dubai World Trade Centre en masse; many wearing matching tops. Before the lectures, pairs of men and women enthusiastically chant in unison, each clutching one side of a company polo shirt. A large billboard lists key delegates ...

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Atlanta to honor Sept. 11 Firefighters by climbing Westin Peachtree ... - atlantadailyworld

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Miércoles, 26 de Agosto de 2015 05:03

atlantadailyworldAtlanta to honor Sept. 11 Firefighters by climbing Westin Peachtree ...atlantadailyworld... Westin Peachtree Plaza in Atlanta. Participants will climb the equivalent of 110 flights of stairs, the same number of floors as the World Trade Center. Registration is $35 and the event is open to the public. Outside the honor of representing ...y más »

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5 Oddball Skyscrapers Underway Around the Globe - Forbes

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Viernes, 21 de Agosto de 2015 21:15

Forbes5 Oddball Skyscrapers Underway Around the GlobeForbesKristin is the former news editor of, Haute Living magazine's real estate and interior design website. She's also a part-time writing instructor at TestTakers, an SAT prep company, and a contributing writer at a variety of digital ...

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Comenzarán obras del Sheraton y el WTC en Ciudad del Este - Diario El País

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Viernes, 21 de Agosto de 2015 02:17

Comenzarán obras del Sheraton y el WTC en Ciudad del EsteDiario El PaísLa construcción del Sheraton y el World Trade Center en Ciudad del Este, que demandará una inversión total estimada en 60 millones de dólares, comenzará antes de fin de mes , anunció el arquitecto Víctor González Acosta, principal impulsor de este ...y más »

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Speedwagon Real Estate Firm Purchased a 16- Property- Portfolio ... - Realty Today

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Jueves, 20 de Agosto de 2015 20:20

Realty TodaySpeedwagon Real Estate Firm Purchased a 16- Property- Portfolio ...Realty TodayThe building which stands 1,451 feet tall, not including the antennas, is waiting to learn if it will retain its title as the nation's tallest building or if it will have to pass the title to New York's newly constructed One World Trade Center which ...

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Cómo es la obra de BIG para Ground Zero, la última del sitio - Clarí

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Jueves, 20 de Agosto de 2015 14:29

Clarín.comCómo es la obra de BIG para Ground Zero, la última del sitioClarín.comAdemás, visto desde la plaza del Memorial, el proyecto parecerá una torre alta, seria y delgada que congeniará perfectamente con el One World Trade Center (1WTC), el edifico insignia de la reconstrucción. Pero, mirada desde el barrio Tribeca, el lugar ...

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PR manager Mei Mei Song's favourite Hong Kong restaurants - South China Morning Post (subscription)

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Miércoles, 19 de Agosto de 2015 10:09

South China Morning Post (subscription)PR manager Mei Mei Song's favourite Hong Kong restaurantsSouth China Morning Post (subscription)I believe the most popular is from a little known place called The Terrace (7/F Airport World Trade Centre, 1 Sky Plaza Road Terminal 2, Hong Kong International Airport, tel: 3153 2331). It's where the airport community entertains and gathers for happy ...

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